A life full of adventures and free of financial straits is not an exclusive desire of the female sex, in the Sugary World boys also have fun.
It is possible that by telling my story I will seem as a person of unethical behavior, regardless, I must say that it's a risk worth taking for this experience that we lived, I don't regret anything, and I am sure that I would repeat the story with a slight modification, if you want to know what that is, stay until the end of my story; lucky me, there’s anonymity, so here I go!
I was 20 years old, at the time when my story unfolds, I was working as an assistant / receptionist at a nutritionist's office and studying part time at the university, my social life was extremely limited, so meeting people was a bit complicated for me. Now, I am almost 26 and I am a dentist.
One day a very handsome man came in for a consultation, who at first glance seemed 40-45 years old, tall, half gray hair, remarkably similar to Richard Gere in his prime, and he started to come in on Tuesday’s for consultation, to follow up on his diet plan. I noticed him from the first time he arrived, he seemed very attractive, he is the type of man that attracts me.
One Tuesday as usual, he arrived at 5 in the afternoon and there was no one else in the waiting room, the nutritionist was late from his lunch time, so the Mexican “Richard Gere” had to wait 30 minutes, but those minutes gave us the opportunity to talk a bit, this was how our thing would begin, by a simple and squalid chat in a waiting room.
He approached the typical magazine stall, but it seemed that none caught his attention, so after hesitating a bit, he turned and looked at me, and I couldn't hide and avoid my gaze from his, so he realized that I was watching from my desk, and he smiled at me slightly when our gazes met.
He said, "Wow, they should put better reading material here." I smiled slightly and nodded my head, I told him, Dr. must not be long now. So, while he waited, his only option for distraction was to talk to me.
He said, "I've been coming here for a few months and you always assist me, but I have never asked your name, what's your name boy?" "Juan Manuel," I told him. And he asked me other personal questions, you know, the typical introductory questions, (age, name, what I do, etc.).
From the moment he began to question me, he had a friendly and at the same time flirtatious attitude. I thought that flirtatious attitude was my crazy imagination, for my luck, I was right.
Those 30 minutes that we talked went by so fast, I was wanting more. Suddenly, Dr. arrived, and we said goodbye, kindly and friendly. As he left the consultation room, something happened that puzzled me for several minutes, even after he had already left the place; he left me his card in a subtle and discreet movement, he dropped it near my hand, on the desk.
I took it, looked at the front where his information was engraved, and on the back, with a pen, he wrote: call me. When I read that, I had no doubt that we had given rise to flirting, that was for sure, we were already in the game, now what was next?
As I saved his phone number, I couldn't help but imagine my boss's reaction, what would he do if he found out I that I was seeing one of his patients outside the office?
Well, I decided to leave that idea for now, the emotion was greater than any code of ethics or moral rule, I had finally had the attention of a man that I liked in silence, and better yet, without any effort.
Later I began to have doubts about what had happened, I don't know, I suppose that you, as me, have experienced that feeling of joy when the boy / girl you like talks to you, but at the same time you doubt if it was real or not.
I sent him a WhatsApp, he didn't reply until later that night, when I was about to have a warm and longed-for meeting with my comfortable little bed, after a stressful day of work and school, homework and tasks, I forgot that handsome man had not responded to my message, but when the cell phone rang and I saw who it was, that emotion of a schoolgirl in love came back.
We basically started chatting in the evenings, which was when he some leisure time. He was a married man, but that didn't stop him from seducing me little by little. After a while, I learned that their marriage was only to fulfill the absurd appearances of society.
He was gay, but he has never come out completely, it is like an open secret for those close to him, but nothing verifiable. His wife was terminally ill, she only had a few months left to live or less, and his children where all grown up, independent far from home, they don’t even live in Mexico, they are a very well-off family.
He is a well-known notary, he has his own notary's office and private consulting, he is a very studied person, who travels to a lot of events, he is even involved in political affairs, etc.; That's why I was surprised that he flirted with me, but I loved it at the same time, I was very flattered that a person like him noticed me.
When he went to the office the following Tuesday, we acted as if nothing were happening, we agreed to keep everything in absolute discretion, both for him and for me, it would be risky for someone to know about our bond, even if it were just a simple and innocent friendship, it was very obvious to both of us that this pointed in a sexual direction more than anything, so we were accomplices.
The late-night talks lasted about 2 months, and on Tuesdays when he went to the office, he always very discreetly, left a chocolate on my desk, a "Kiss". It was a nice gesture, I must say that he is a very detail-oriented man, he knows very well how to keep one happy. Even though he is a wealthy person, he pays attention to the smallest details, those that money cannot cover. That's why I quickly became attached.
One day he waited for me outside the office, I was walking down a corridor at the exit of the building, when he came from behind and covered my eyes with his hands, I immediately knew that it was him because of his distinctive perfume, I gently touched his hands with mine, and quickly turned around and kissed him, it was a short kiss, because we both realized that we weren't in the best place for this to happen.
He invited me to lunch at an exclusive restaurant on the outskirts of the city, I told him I was not dressed or prepared for the occasion, but he ended up convincing me to go with him.
We arrived at the place, which was very elegant, I felt a little out of place, but as I saw how they treated him with such preference and kindness I suddenly felt part of the moment, and they treated me the same; There were few people that day, I suppose he already knew that and for that reason he was encouraged to invite me.
It was the first time in my life that I ate lobster, it tasted incredibly delicious, I don't know if it was hunger or emotion, but I remember feeling an orgasm on my palate. So, this is what the good life tastes like huh!
He took me to an apartment that he had located in a good area of the city, where I could see the city from the 10th floor. It had a small balcony, that I used to lean on every time we were there, and while we admired the sunset, we talked about trivial things, sometimes nothing, silence was also a good companion between the two.
We quickly developed an emotional bond. I can certainly say that I fell deeply in love with him. We went out to eat and talked for about 3 weeks, before having sex and moving into a more intimate phase of our relationship. I still didn't quite understand what was happening, but I was glad it was happening.
I was always anxiously waiting every Tuesday to see him come through that office door, I was waiting for my chocolate on my desk, everything seemed to be going very well, and that's how it was, we had respect and to some extent, loyalty, for each other. We became great friends, we could tell each other anything without being judged, we created a brotherhood of two, without mentioning that sex was wonderful.
I remember that many of the times he was concerned about the poor health of his wife, until the inevitable happened, his wife passed away, it was a very sad time for him and his children, even though he had not married for love, he came to love her because she was the mother of his children.
I gave him time to recover from that grief, I did not want to be reckless, I tried to understand his situation, I assumed that the least he would want was to think about other pending issues that were not family related.
It took him about a month from what I can recall, until he looked for me again, because in fact he stopped going to the office during that time. I even thought that our thing was over, perhaps I will sound frivolous but, after that event, our relationship became freer, we still did not expose ourselves to the public, but we did have more opportunities to see each other afterhours.
The first time he invited me to his house, I was impressed with his lifestyle, he sure did have money. He lived very comfortably and luxuriously, in a huge and beautiful house in the best part of the city.
I stayed to sleep there repeatedly, and he had a fine taste for food, so much so that he learned to cook for himself from a young age, he would take cooking courses whenever he had a chance, and he used to surprise me with such exquisite dishes at each encounter, at his house, specifically, in bed.
Being woken up with a good breakfast after a night of incredible sex is above a simple orgasm, I really enjoyed it; I have many unforgettable moments by his side in my mind.
I still remember the first time he gave me money, we already had been together for about 6 months, he had previously given me gifts and details, such as the "kisses", but one day I woke up in his bed, and he was not there, he left me one note in the night stand, explaining that he had left the city in an emergency, that he was coming back in a couple of days, we already had plans to go to a spa in Cuernavaca, but he left me the money in an envelope, and told me to go, however, I used that money to pay for my college tuition.
I didn't tell him until I saw him again, he asked me how the spa had been, and I told him that, honestly, I took the money to pay my tuition, at the moment I thought that he would get upset, but his reaction was different, he applauded my good use of the money, and he told me that from now on he would support me with that important expense, he even paid 6 months in advance of my career.
I felt very safe by his side, he made me feel protected and loved. But in an unexpected twist, he had to move to Pachuca, he asked me to go with him to that city, he even offered me to live in the same house, which was big, that he would take care of my expenses, that I didn't have to feel pressured to accept, but if I accepted, he would take care of me, and I could continue my career there.
The opportunity was tempting, but I was afraid that the situation would be completely ruined, I panicked about the commitment, that I gave him a resounding no.
He continued with his moving plans, and we stayed in contact for a few more months until he told me that he had met another boy, that he had plans to take him home with him, whom he had offered the same thing that he had offered me a few months ago, and that the boy had accepted.
I felt a hard hit in my stomach, and I couldn't help but feel angry with myself, and envy for that lucky boy. This situation made me think about something important in life: there are opportunities that we should not let go.
That boy who accepted his proposal, in fact, finished his career before me, and stayed with Jesus for some considerable time, they had a nice story, which very possibly would have been my story if I had not been so fearful.
With my story I pretend that, if you find yourself in the same situation as me, don't be afraid to risk yourself, many times the opportunities come disguised in a person, or in this case, in a wealthy man, take it!
I already had a nice story with him and for some reason I was a coward for not going for more, now that I look back, I am convinced that I was wrong and that it could have been much better, but I did not do it, now I do not have a Sugar Daddy and of course I would love to find one, although I am already self-sufficient, it is nice to have the support of an older person, I don't know, I love them older than me, I hope one day I will meet another Jesus again.